Saturday, August 4, 2007

Armadan 11 aka Mervyn Tham aka E.M.T.(extra molten tension) aka Super"Merv" aka Flying Dragon & The Hidden Tortoise aka Orgasm King aka Buntut Seller


He's not exactly a buntut seller in those backlanes in Chow Kit Road but plies his trade as a semi-pro footballer in Orange Armada.Loves playing high-tempo games rather then slow pacing game(such as in Serie A).Able to mimic all sorts of sounds and most noticeably orgasmic.Being able to do this infront of Miss Hannah is already enough for a tonne of orgasm spilling into the classss.On football related issue,he was able to recover from a serious career threatening right knee injury and the fans are ecstatic with his comeback that he is now famously dubbed the SuperMerv.A very good tactical player and is good in the air as well.Blends into the team well and everywhere he goes,he is being mock by young savvy ladies trying to vie for him but sadly he is already married to football.

Kick-arse poster of him created by his ardent fans.

During his layoff injury,he manage to travel on to a secluded Ketam Isles on his private yacht with his caucasian buddy Gay O.

Happily chit-chatting away with Gay O.

The paparazzis manage to capture a few glimpse of his new girlfriend(but we have censored it due to his private anonymity)

His girlfriend was replaced with our ex-capt face who now plays for Montreal to protect
SuperMervs' privacy.

After a rough night in a luxurious hotel with his new found "friend".

Looking cum and melancholy about his future career.

Happy moments at Man Utd though he does not like media attention.

On the year 2004,he was married to football and was officially pronounced as Player and Game.

To cash in on the current craze of The Simpsons,we have make Armadan 11 simsonized.And the result as at above(not sure if it's really him)Anyhow this is Armadan 11 and we love him to bits.Hope you enjoy reading his biodata.

Next up,it will be Ivan the Great Cocker and Armadan 8 turn and it will be more bashing and torment then this.NO MERCY FOR THEM!!!

Till Judgement Day,

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